Wylie, Jerry E. Oil Drilling Co. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Wylie, Jerry E. Oil Drilling Co.
Map of Wells Operated by Wylie, Jerry E. Oil Drilling Co.
Contact Information
Company Name:

RT 1, BOX 5-E
MERKEL, TX 79536

Leases Operated by Wylie, Jerry E. Oil Drilling Co.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
09-22153 MRS. ROY VEAL Young County
09-22489 BROWN, G. G. Young County
7B-070611 TAYLOR Brown County
7B-070612 TAYLOR Brown County
7B-074242 FINKS Eastland County
7B-074243 FINKS Eastland County
7B-078703 REED,JACK J. Brown County
7B-082932 SNIDER Comanche County
7B-14243 BUTLER ARNOLD Comanche County
7B-14278 TAYLOR Brown County
7B-14497 WOFFORD, MARGARET Coleman County
7B-14619 BUTLER A Comanche County
7B-14708 THOMAS, B.G. Comanche County
7B-14723 BUTLER "D" Comanche County
7B-14839 BUTLER ARNOLD "C" Comanche County
7B-15158 BUTLER ARNOLD -B- Comanche County
7B-16911 CARTER C.E. Jones County
7B-17688 DEAN KIRK Comanche County
7B-17800 FRYMIRE, A. S. Nolan County
7B-17865 FITZGERALD Nolan County
7B-18181 HOGAN Taylor County
7B-18335 PRATT Stephens County
7B-18560 FITZGERALD, D. N. Nolan County
7C-08798 KIRBY-ROBINSON Runnels County
7C-089938 HOPE, EUGENE Runnels County
7C-10021 C. GROHMAN Runnels County

Drilling Permits Filed by Wylie, Jerry E. Oil Drilling Co.