Wortham Operating, LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Wortham Operating, LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Wortham Operating, LLC
Contact Information
Company Name:

P O BOX 609

Leases Operated by Wortham Operating, LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
09-00109 PRIDEAUX -B- Archer County
09-00219 MANKINS, CECIL Archer County
09-00553 PRIDEAUX -C- Archer County
09-00554 PRIDEAUX -D- Archer County
09-00556 PRIDEAUX, H. O. Archer County
09-00628 ODONOHOE, -R-G- Archer County
09-00630 PRIDEAUX, INEZ Archer County
09-00695 PACE & STRANGE -A- Archer County
09-05026 WAGGONER, W. T. -ABCDEF- Wichita County
09-05197 WAGGONER, W. T., EST. -C- Wichita County
09-05198 WAGGONER, W. T., EST. -A- Wichita County
09-05499 BURNETT Wichita County
09-05551 WAGGONER Wichita County
09-05653 WAGGONER, W. T. EST. Wichita County
09-06539 WAGGONER -A- Wilbarger County
09-08400 HUNT, E. W. Knox County
09-08664 CLOUD Knox County
09-08833 HUNT, E. W., ESTATE -C- Knox County
09-10203 WAGGONER, W. T., ESTATE -AA- Wilbarger County
09-11119 WAGGONER, W. T., ESTATE -EE- Wilbarger County
09-11271 WAGGONER, W. T. ESTATE -AA- Wilbarger County
09-11642 PRIDEAUX -G- Archer County
09-11690 WAGGONER, W. T., EST. -RR- Wilbarger County
09-12721 MANKINS, CECIL - 700 SAND Archer County
09-13052 PERKINS, J. J. Archer County
09-13377 PERKINS, J. J. EST., ET AL Archer County
09-14106 PERKINS, J. J. -C- Archer County
09-14397 MANGUM, E. R. Montague County
09-14785 FERGUSON Archer County
09-16743 MAIN-MATYSEK UNIT Wilbarger County
09-16744 MAIN-MATYSEK UNIT Wilbarger County
09-17389 WAGGONER -QQ- Wilbarger County
09-18178 PARKEY -C- Archer County
09-18314 FERGUSON HEIRS -B- Archer County
09-18344 FERGUSON HEIRS -A- Archer County
09-18445 WAGGONER, W. T., ESTATE -B- Wichita County
09-18542 PARKEY -D- Archer County
09-19108 FERGUSON HEIRS -A- Archer County
09-19697 PERKINS, J. J. -F- Archer County
09-19959 PERKINS -G- Archer County
09-20312 OBENHAUS, E. K. Wilbarger County
09-20523 BRITTON, A. D. Archer County
09-21189 HAMMONDS, FRED Foard County
09-21270 WAGGONER ZZ Wichita County
09-21502 CLOUD "B" Knox County
09-23627 PRIDEAUX-FRESNO Archer County
09-25593 WAGGONER, W. T. "DDD" Wichita County
7B-01207 FERGUSON Coleman County
7B-01208 PETTWAY Coleman County
7B-073930 PETTWAY Coleman County
7B-075435 MCIVER Coleman County
7B-075563 FERGUSON Coleman County
7B-077583 MCCORMICK, W. R. Coleman County
7B-085904 MCCORMICK, W. R. Coleman County
7B-085905 MCCORMICK, W.R. Coleman County
7B-093743 FERGUSON Coleman County
7B-094167 FERGUSON Coleman County
7B-09729 PETTIT, A. D. Coleman County
7B-09755 SANTA ANNA TOWNSITE -A- Coleman County
7B-09853 JOHNSON, G. M. -B- Coleman County
7B-09883 SHIELD, ELGEAN, MRS. Coleman County
7B-10055 COLLINS, C. W. Coleman County
7B-10608 KINGSBERY, C. E. Coleman County
7B-17193 JOHNSON, GEORGE M. Coleman County
7B-18872 SANTA ANNA TOWNSITE Coleman County

Drilling Permits Filed by Wortham Operating, LLC