Tesoro E&P Company, L.P. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Tesoro E&P Company, L.P.
Map of Wells Operated by Tesoro E&P Company, L.P.
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Company Name:


Leases Operated by Tesoro E&P Company, L.P.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
01-165014 EARWOOD "B" Edwards County
01-165533 EARWOOD G.U. 2 Edwards County
01-167314 NEWBY G.U. 1 Edwards County
01-167865 EARWOOD "B" Edwards County
01-168438 NEWBY "A" Edwards County
01-169049 NEWBY "A" Edwards County
01-169387 EARWOOD G.U. 1 Edwards County
01-170643 NEWBY G. U. 2 Edwards County
01-172050 NEWBY "A" Edwards County
01-172566 NEWBY G. U. 3 Edwards County
01-173842 EARWOOD "A" Edwards County
02-08120 FUNK Goliad County
02-08301 ELLIS, M.E. Goliad County
02-108458 PITTMAN Goliad County
02-120365 FUNK Goliad County
02-139234 BAKER Goliad County
02-150036 PREWITT, DONALD F. ET. UX. Goliad County
02-152290 ELLIS, M. E. Goliad County
02-154503 GRUETZMACHER, ALTON A., ET AL Goliad County
02-154650 CARRINGTON-FUNK UNIT Goliad County
02-155081 CARRINGTON-FUNK Goliad County
02-157508 CLINTON Goliad County
02-159803 HOUDMANN, IKE Live Oak County
02-162000 PITTMAN Goliad County
02-167061 FUNK GAS UNIT Goliad County
04-131761 CARDENAS, J. -A- Hidalgo County
04-131763 CARDENAS, J. -A- Hidalgo County
04-132670 GONZALEZ, RUBEN Webb County
04-135530 SCHULTZ Hidalgo County
04-136247 GONZALEZ, RUBEN Webb County
04-137525 RUBEN GONZALEZ GAS UNIT Webb County
04-137532 GONZALEZ, RUBEN Webb County
04-137897 DE LA VINA, JUAN Hidalgo County
04-138788 CARDENAS, JOSEFA Hidalgo County
04-139041 CARDENAS, JOSEFA Hidalgo County
04-139441 GONZALEZ, RUBEN Webb County
04-140573 CARDENAS, JOSEFA Hidalgo County
04-155449 LONGORIA Webb County
04-156123 LA BLANCA GAS UNIT Hidalgo County
04-160206 GONZALEZ, RUBEN Webb County
04-168484 GUERRA, A. "B" Hidalgo County
04-169890 GARZA Zapata County
04-170337 DINN, JOHN & ELVA Duval County
04-170400 VOLPE Zapata County
04-170444 LA BLANCA G.U. Hidalgo County
04-170447 LA BLANCA G.U. Hidalgo County
04-170553 CNG Hidalgo County
04-171373 SWOLI Hidalgo County
04-171996 GUERRA, A. "A" Starr County
04-172312 LOPEZ MINERAL TRUST G.U. Zapata County
04-173586 VELA, L. G. Zapata County
06-074649 DURKEE GAS UNIT #1 Harrison County
06-076225 BECKHAM, ALVIN GAS UNIT Harrison County
06-091228 BURTON, BERTHA GU 1 Rusk County
06-10007 GRAGG, O. L. Anderson County
06-103658 MINOR, L. V. GAS UNIT Rusk County
06-156289 HAYGOOD Rusk County
06-156504 WILLIAMS Rusk County
06-169221 DURKEE GAS UNIT #1 Harrison County
06-174872 NOLLEY Anderson County
10-121216 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-121217 BRITT RANCH -A- Wheeler County
10-121372 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-121560 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-123176 BRITT RANCH -E- Wheeler County
10-123182 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-124636 BRITT, DAVID Wheeler County
10-124643 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-124644 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-125535 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-125712 BRITT RANCH "I" 4 Wheeler County
10-125713 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-126074 BRITT, THOMAS Wheeler County
10-127562 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-130358 BRITT RANCH "I" 4 Wheeler County
10-154569 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-168472 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-170075 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-171133 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County
10-171370 BRITT RANCH UNIT Wheeler County

Drilling Permits Filed by Tesoro E&P Company, L.P.