Terrell Oil & Gas Production Co. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Terrell Oil & Gas Production Co.
Map of Wells Operated by Terrell Oil & Gas Production Co.
Contact Information
Company Name:

P O BOX 518
HAMLIN, TX 79520


Leases Operated by Terrell Oil & Gas Production Co.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
7B-114438 VOSS, J.W. Fisher County
7B-13468 WILSON ESTATE "B" Fisher County
7B-13564 BOWEN, L.O. Fisher County
7B-13620 TOLER, HOLLY Fisher County
7B-13926 BOWEN, L.O. "C" Fisher County
7B-13948 SCIFRES, RAYMOND E. Fisher County
7B-14268 VOSS, J.W. Fisher County
7B-14630 SCIFRES, RAYMOND E. "A" Fisher County
7B-14639 TOLER, VELTA P. Fisher County
7B-14748 BOWEN, L.O. "D" Fisher County
7B-15272 SCIFRES, RAYMOND E. "C" Fisher County
7B-15505 CASSLE, ARLIE Fisher County
7B-15610 TOLER, HOLLY (SOUTH) Fisher County
7B-15629 BONDS&GRIFFIN Fisher County
7B-15795 GUITAR, JANE FERGUSON Fisher County
7B-16110 SCIFRES, RAYMOND E. "C" Fisher County
7B-16127 WEIR,JAKE T. Fisher County
7B-16534 FORD, ROBERTA S. Fisher County
7B-16633 BONDS AND GRIFFIN "A" Fisher County
7B-16733 FORD, ROBERTA S. "A" Fisher County
7B-16957 ROBERTSON, R.O. Fisher County
7B-17303 ROBERTSON "B" Fisher County
7B-17387 SCOTT, CHARLES H. Fisher County
7B-18114 WILLINGHAM, ESTHER Fisher County
7B-18322 FORD, ROBERTA S. "B" Fisher County
7B-18407 ROBERTSON, REVIS (EAST) Fisher County
7B-18892 HINES Stonewall County
7B-20158 WILSON ESTATE, ET AL Fisher County
7B-20261 MCCOY, J.E. JR. Jones County
7B-20376 NORMA SCHAFFER Fisher County
7B-20596 TOLER, HOLLY "B" Fisher County
7B-20716 WILSON ESTATE "A" Fisher County
7B-20880 WILSON ESTATE "A" Fisher County
7B-21372 PARDUE, A. E. ESTATE Fisher County
7B-21557 WILSON ESTATE, ET AL Fisher County
7B-21656 CARL BACK Jones County
7B-21733 WILSON ESTATE "A" Fisher County
7B-21786 TERRELL, SAM ESTATE "A" Fisher County
7B-21869 VOSS, J.W. "A" Fisher County
7B-21972 MCCOY, J.E. JR. "A" Jones County
7B-22335 LAWLIS, HOWARD Jones County
7B-22553 LENARD, G.W. ESTATE Fisher County
7B-22908 VOSS, J.W. Fisher County
7B-22990 VOSS, J.W. Fisher County
7B-23033 SCOTT, CHARLES H. "B" Fisher County
7B-23273 SCOTT, CHARLES H. "C" Fisher County
7B-23983 REED, J.E. Fisher County
7B-28866 PRESTON Stonewall County
7B-29256 PRESTON "A" Stonewall County
7B-29506 PRESTON "B" Stonewall County
7B-29510 STOVALL "A" Stonewall County
7B-29647 FAUGHT Fisher County
7B-29709 MABERRY, DANNA Fisher County
7B-30020 LEONARD JOHNSON "A" Fisher County
7B-30032 JOHNSON, LEONARD ET AL Fisher County
7B-30137 JOHNSON, LEONARD "B" Fisher County
7B-30162 MABERRY Fisher County
7B-30200 LEONARD JOHNSON "D" Fisher County
7B-30316 JOHNSON, LEONARD ET AL Fisher County
7B-30317 LEONARD JOHNSON Fisher County
7B-30318 LEONARD JOHNSON "D" Fisher County
7B-30319 LEONARD JOHNSON "A" Fisher County
7B-30478 LEONARD JOHNSON E Fisher County
7B-30504 LEONARD JOHNSON "C" Fisher County
7B-30535 JEAN HEIRS Fisher County
7B-30790 ALBERT MABERRY Fisher County
7B-30847 ERIC TABB Fisher County
7B-30913 JEFFREY Fisher County
7B-31320 HOLLY TOLER 'A' Fisher County
7B-31524 MABERRY 'A' Fisher County
7B-31591 SCOTT 'D' Fisher County

Drilling Permits Filed by Terrell Oil & Gas Production Co.