T - C Oil Company Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By T - C Oil Company
Map of Wells Operated by T - C Oil Company
Contact Information
Company Name:

427 FM 774

Leases Operated by T - C Oil Company

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-002217 OCONNER Victoria County
02-002218 OCONNOR Victoria County
02-00830 T-C OIL CO.-OCONNOR Refugio County
02-00832 T-C OIL CO.-OCONNOR Refugio County
02-02554 T-C OIL CO.- O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-02571 OCONNOR -H- Refugio County
02-02834 OCONNOR -D- Refugio County
02-02845 OCONNOR, DENNIS, ETAL -L- Refugio County
02-03598 OCONNOR, DENNIS, ET AL -N- Refugio County
02-037243 T-C OIL CO.-OCONNOR Refugio County
02-037244 OCONNOR -D- Refugio County
02-043577 OCONNOR -H- Refugio County
02-04374 OCONNOR, DENNIS, ETAL -N- Refugio County
02-047649 OCONNOR Refugio County
02-04783 OCONNOR Refugio County
02-053430 OCONNOR Refugio County
02-053900 OCONNOR Victoria County
02-059358 OCONNOR -D- Refugio County
02-05957 O'CONNER -D- Refugio County
02-065919 T-C OIL CO - OCONNOR Refugio County
02-06601 T-C OIL CO.-O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-07505 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-080418 OCONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-08061 O'CONNOR "D" Refugio County
02-083213 T-C OIL CO - OCONNOR Refugio County
02-083420 OCONNOR -D- Refugio County
02-08367 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-08579 WLP Refugio County
02-08738 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -N- Refugio County
02-088032 T-C OIL CO.-OCONNOR Refugio County
02-088473 OCONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -F- Refugio County
02-08931 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -N- Refugio County
02-09289 RIVER RANCH -A-/WILLIAMS STATE U Refugio County
02-092919 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL "L" Refugio County
02-09301 RIVER RANCH -A-/WILLIAMS STATE U Refugio County
02-09321 O'CONNOR -H- Refugio County
02-09332 CLAY PASTURE -B- STATE UNIT Refugio County
02-09381 CLAY PASTURE -B- STATE UNIT Refugio County
02-095082 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-096097 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-111265 O'CONNOR "D" Refugio County
02-111967 OCONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-127803 OCONNOR -D- Refugio County
02-127804 OCONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-138301 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL "L" Refugio County
02-138332 T-C OIL COMPANY-O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-142153 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-142195 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-152820 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-153030 HARITHAS, ANN W. Goliad County
02-170270 O'CONNOR "H" Refugio County
02-170747 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL "L" Refugio County
02-189460 O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-189970 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-212508 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-212604 DUKE RANCH -T- Goliad County
02-212605 DUKE RANCH -F- Refugio County
02-214365 DUKE RANCH -V- Refugio County
02-219520 DUKE RANCH -4- Goliad County
02-219571 COPANO GAS UNIT Refugio County
02-219858 DUKE RANCH -2- Goliad County
02-221738 DUKE RANCH-14- Goliad County
02-221877 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-221913 O'CONNOR, DENNIS ET AL -L- Refugio County
02-229072 DUKE RANCH -C- Goliad County
02-229665 O'CONNOR, JOE -A- Refugio County
02-230408 T-C OIL CO-O'CONNOR Refugio County
02-235661 DUKE RANCH -M- Goliad County
02-235979 DUKE RANCH -T- Goliad County
02-236102 BAUMGARTNER -F- Refugio County
02-236270 DUKE RANCH -M- Goliad County
02-244869 CLAY PASTURE -B- STATE UNIT Refugio County
02-245434 EDWARDS Bee County
02-245435 MALONE -A- Bee County
02-257063 DUKE RANCH -8- Goliad County
02-257201 ROWLING -A- Bee County
02-257650 DUKE RANCH -10- Goliad County
02-257901 HANDY-ROARK UNIT Bee County
02-265200 MILAGROS RANCH -B- Bee County
04-13779 CAVASSO CREEK -A- Aransas County

Drilling Permits Filed by T - C Oil Company