Suemaur Expl. & Prod., LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Suemaur Expl. & Prod., LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Suemaur Expl. & Prod., LLC
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National Activity for Suemaur Expl. & Prod., LLC

Leases Operated by Suemaur Expl. & Prod., LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-169252 HEIRS, WELDER Victoria County
02-174735 WELDER HEIRS Victoria County
02-198752 KATZFEY Live Oak County
02-203122 KERLICK, ET AL GU DeWitt County
02-203705 FENMORE Live Oak County
02-207625 KERLICK DeWitt County
03-208113 PURE, ET AL GU Brazoria County
03-26519 HEFFELFINGER B Matagorda County
04-127448 SIMMOND&PERRY Nueces County
04-13091 FISHER, ET AL San Patricio County
04-131308 SIMMONDS & PERRY Nueces County
04-13160 MAY Kleberg County
04-131889 SIMMONDS & PERRY Nueces County
04-13245 WELDER G U San Patricio County
04-133181 SIMMONDS & PERRY Nueces County
04-133735 SIMMONDS & PERRY Nueces County
04-14216 HRNCIR, ET AL UNIT Nueces County
04-161410 ECHOLS Starr County
04-164446 ECHOLS Starr County
04-172812 BERRYMAN, ET AL UNIT Nueces County
04-173093 RIVERS/PERY, ET AL UNIT Nueces County
04-174485 KAMPFENKEL, ET AL G. U. Nueces County
04-174524 GILLESPIE GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-174586 BURNETT, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-175113 BERRYMAN ET AL UNIT Nueces County
04-176932 BURNETT, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-178026 GILLESPIE GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-179053 CHARBA, ET AL Nueces County
04-179416 BURNETT, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-184651 WALTON, W. W. LTD Nueces County
04-186845 CARVER HEIRS ET AL GU Nueces County
04-187544 HENDERSON, J.W. ET AL GAS UNIT Willacy County
04-190233 CAGE Brooks County
04-191515 WELDER HEIRS San Patricio County
04-193267 PEDRAZA ET AL GU Hidalgo County
04-193540 BLOSSMAN, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-193614 RIVERS / PERRY, ET AL UNIT Nueces County
04-197106 GOLDSBERRY ET AL G U Hidalgo County
04-197246 GOLDSBERRY, ET AL GU Hidalgo County
04-198754 BLOSSMAN ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-200543 OTAHAL, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-201135 MAY Kleberg County
04-203197 WELDER G U San Patricio County
04-204939 TORRES, ET AL GAS UNIT Hidalgo County
04-216710 HENDERSON, J.W. ET AL GAS UNIT Willacy County
04-220917 AMES G.U. Willacy County
04-222562 AMES ET AL GU Willacy County
04-225567 GILLESPIE GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-226742 BONDY GU Willacy County
04-227188 LEFNER, ET AL GU Willacy County
04-227793 GILLESPIE G. U. Nueces County
04-230701 LEFNER ET AL GU Willacy County
04-233177 LEFNER ET AL GU Willacy County
04-234933 LEFNER ET AL GAS UNIT Willacy County
04-237330 HENDERSON, J.W. ET AL GAS UNIT Willacy County
04-238088 GILLESPIE GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-238507 LEFNER ET AL GAS UNIT Willacy County
04-244685 AMES ET AL GU Willacy County
04-245194 PALOUSEK ET AL GU Willacy County
04-247130 KERR ET AL GU Willacy County
04-248095 PALOUSEK Willacy County
04-248355 SORRELLS ET AL Willacy County
04-252193 FREELAND, ET AL GU Hidalgo County
04-252519 WRIGHTSMAN, ET AL GU Willacy County
04-256329 WRIGHTSMAN, ET AL GU Willacy County
04-269289 LA RUCIA Hidalgo County
04-270441 LA RUCIA Brooks County
04-270773 LA RUCIA Brooks County
04-273104 LEFNER ET AL GAS UNIT Willacy County
04-277700 GLORIA G. LOPEZ Brooks County
04-279142 GLICK RANCH Brooks County
04-279600 GLORIA G. LOPEZ Brooks County
04-291488 OTAHAL, ET AL G.U. Nueces County
04-291847 PROCHASKA, ET AL G.U. Nueces County
04-292023 BURNETT, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-292117 BURNETT, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-293114 PROCHASKA, ET AL G.U. Nueces County
04-293535 BLUNTZER, ET AL GAS UNIT Nueces County
04-294763 SCARBOROUGH Nueces County
04-295875 RODDY RIPPLE G.U. Nueces County

Drilling Permits Filed by Suemaur Expl. & Prod., LLC