Suchil Energy, LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Suchil Energy, LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Suchil Energy, LLC
Contact Information
Company Name:

ODESSA, TX 79766

Leases Operated by Suchil Energy, LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
7B-01524 KENT, ETAL Eastland County
7B-03372 POOL, FLOYD C. Shackelford County
7B-084819 ROBERTSON HEIRS Comanche County
7B-087603 GUNSIGHT Stephens County
7B-089104 GLENN LEECH ET AL Shackelford County
7B-094087 HUDSON(SEC 70) Shackelford County
7B-097761 HUDSON (SEC.70) Shackelford County
7B-108142 VAUGHN, M C. Comanche County
7B-109285 HUDSON (SEC. 70) Shackelford County
7B-111282 WAYWICK Eastland County
7B-11224 LEECH, GLENN ET AL Shackelford County
7B-129046 WAYNICK Eastland County
7B-129047 WHITTINGTON Eastland County
7B-133500 HANNA, MARGARET Eastland County
7B-14595 LEWIS, L.L. Eastland County
7B-17497 KIRK Eastland County
7B-17759 LEECH GLEN ET AL Shackelford County
7B-18351 HANNA Eastland County
7B-22547 PRUETT 2277 Callahan County
7B-234604 MARSHALL, ED Palo Pinto County
7B-25562 HANNA Eastland County
7B-261284 MOORE JOHNSTON Shackelford County
7B-31296 LEECH GLEN ET AL Shackelford County

Drilling Permits Filed by Suchil Energy, LLC