Snow Oil Co. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Snow Oil Co.
Map of Wells Operated by Snow Oil Co.
Contact Information
Company Name:


Leases Operated by Snow Oil Co.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
7B-103383 JOHNSTON Eastland County
7B-103474 WALLACE Eastland County
7B-105966 BERRY Eastland County
7B-106454 WILLIAMSON HOMEPLACE Eastland County
7B-106574 HENDERSON Eastland County
7B-111753 PERKINS-BEGGS Eastland County
7B-112059 FOKKEN Eastland County
7B-112060 GERMANY Eastland County
7B-113741 DAVIS NORTH Eastland County
7B-115325 CLARK Eastland County
7B-115493 PERDUE Eastland County
7B-116030 GERMANY "B" Eastland County
7B-116078 GREENWOOD Eastland County
7B-13724 GERHARDT-BROWN Eastland County
7B-14812 MONROE WALKER Eastland County
7B-15067 DANIELS Eastland County
7B-15199 WALKER MONROE Eastland County
7B-15271 DAVENPORT Eastland County
7B-15336 VFW Eastland County
7B-15557 THOMPSON Eastland County
7B-15561 WOODS Eastland County
7B-15880 TEXFEL-SNEED Eastland County
7B-16515 HARPER Eastland County
7B-16529 TEXFEL-STANSELL Eastland County
7B-16600 JOHNSTON Eastland County
7B-16874 BOND Eastland County
7B-17427 HARRELL, C.J. Eastland County
7B-17696 LIVINGSTONE Eastland County
7B-17886 TEXFEL-CASTLEBERRY Eastland County
7B-17895 REED Eastland County
7B-18101 WAYNICK Eastland County
7B-18142 SNOW-SNEED-26A Eastland County
7B-18164 SNOW-SNEED 26 B Eastland County
7B-18300 WALLACE Eastland County
7B-18618 ZIEHR-POE Eastland County
7B-18677 CHRISTIAN Eastland County
7B-18684 CLARK Eastland County
7B-18725 KINCAID-NORTH Eastland County
7B-18827 LIPPE Stephens County
7B-18845 KINCAID Eastland County
7B-19121 REED, B. A. "B" Eastland County
7B-19191 STANDLEY Eastland County
7B-19318 REED, B. A. "A" Eastland County
7B-20081 RAMSEY "A" Eastland County
7B-20317 DAVIS Eastland County
7B-21063 HENSLEY Eastland County
7B-21117 DAVIS-NORTH Eastland County
7B-21144 TANKERSLY-NORTH Eastland County
7B-21183 PERDUE Eastland County
7B-21826 LYON Eastland County
7B-21961 MICHEL-RUST Eastland County
7B-21963 GENTRY Stephens County
7B-22596 LIVINGSTONE Eastland County

Drilling Permits Filed by Snow Oil Co.