Smith & Marrs Inc. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Smith & Marrs Inc.
Map of Wells Operated by Smith & Marrs Inc.
Contact Information
Company Name:

8008 SLIDE RD STE 33

Leases Operated by Smith & Marrs Inc.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
06-14660 LAKE SHORE Shelby County
08-01332 BROWN-ALTMAN -C- Winkler County
08-01333 BROWN-ALTMAN -D- Winkler County
08-01344 CONOCO-ALTMAN -A- Winkler County
08-01345 BROWN-ALTMAN -B- Winkler County
08-019722 BROWN-ALTMAN G A/C 1 Winkler County
08-019724 BROWN-ALTMAN G A/C 1 Winkler County
08-019725 BROWN-ALTMAN ACCT. -G- A/C 1 Winkler County
08-019726 BROWN-ALTMAN -H- A/C 1 Winkler County
08-019728 MAGNOLIA-BROWN-ALTMAN Winkler County
08-019729 MAGNOLIA-BROWN-ALTMAN -B- Winkler County
08-020165 CLAPP, RAY, -A- Winkler County
08-03296 SUN JENKINS -B- Winkler County
08-03312 LOVETT, H. E. -B- Winkler County
08-03314 LOVETT, H. E. -D- Winkler County
08-04022 SEALY, GEORGE Ward County
08-04024 SEALY, M. W. Ward County
08-04495 LINEBERRY, EVELYN Andrews County
08-06939 T. X. L. -P- Ector County
08-07241 GRUBE, B. H. Ward County
08-07333 HATHAWAY /EO/ Ward County
08-07339 HATHAWAY, J. F. NO. 1 Ward County
08-07340 HATHAWAY, J. F. NO. 2 Ward County
08-07352 EDWARDS, S. B. Ward County
08-07363 JOHNSON, W. D. Ward County
08-09840 UNIVERSITY -H- Andrews County
08-119482 HATHAWAY, J. F. Ward County
08-12837 NELSON -A- Andrews County
08-14229 HARPER, F. D. Ward County
08-14665 UNIVERSITY -F- Andrews County
08-17711 HARPER, F. D., -A- Ward County
08-17795 UNIV. -FHL- Ward County
08-17972 KYLE, MINNIE Loving County
08-18191 LOVING -AD- FEE Loving County
08-18218 HENDRICK -B- Winkler County
08-18571 WALTON, JOHN B., -D- Winkler County
08-19307 WICKETT, SOUTH /YATES/ UNIT Ward County
08-19568 TXL -E- Ector County
08-19910 KLOH -C-29- Ector County
08-21627 MORTON, TOBE -C- Winkler County
08-21628 MORTON, TOBE -D- Winkler County
08-22238 FOSTER H. S. "E" Ector County
08-22625 NELSON (WICHITA-ALBANY) UNIT Andrews County
08-23947 SMITH, SEALY Ward County
08-25546 SMITH, SEALY -B- Ward County
08-25819 COMANCHE UNIT Winkler County
08-25939 COMANCHE UNIT -A- Winkler County
08-26007 TEN BEARS -A- Winkler County
08-26021 SCARBOROUGH Winkler County
08-26740 SUN JENKINS -C- Winkler County
08-27232 BRENNAND, R. S. Winkler County
08-28925 BYRD-WOOD UNIT Ward County
08-32059 BYRD-WOOD -A- Ward County
08-32487 JOHNSON -2- Loving County
08-32489 UNIVERSITY LANDS BLOCK 4 QUEEN U Andrews County
08-32515 BITLER-LOWE 24 Andrews County
08-32589 DAUGHERTY -B- Winkler County
08-32762 GRUBE, B. H. "A" Ward County
08-32768 JOHNSON -40- Loving County
08-32799 DAUGHERTY "C" Winkler County
08-33968 FORTUNE 500 Ector County
08-34044 PARKER Andrews County
08-34052 TXL "C" Ector County
08-34065 COLE RANCH Ector County
08-34130 LELAND '6' Loving County
08-34136 TEXACO Andrews County
08-34233 PAGE-JOHNSON Loving County
08-34513 MARALO EST. Andrews County
08-34586 TXL D Ector County
08-36217 BLOCK A-34 UNIT Andrews County
08-39008 JORDAN, AUGUSTA Andrews County
8A-13608 JONES, E. H. ESTATE Gaines County
8A-61829 NORMAN Gaines County
8A-62155 BARC Yoakum County
8A-62196 CAIN Gaines County
8A-62313 BISHOP Gaines County
8A-62342 MEDLIN "C" Gaines County
8A-63618 JONES ESTATE Gaines County
8A-64747 NEILL, OTIS Gaines County

Drilling Permits Filed by Smith & Marrs Inc.