Range Production Company, LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Range Production Company, LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Range Production Company, LLC
Contact Information
Company Name:


National Activity for Range Production Company, LLC

Leases Operated by Range Production Company, LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
01-160169 HILL, FRANCES -89- Edwards County
01-186261 HILL, FRANCES -85- Edwards County
06-115875 PRINCE GAS UNIT 1 Rusk County
06-117993 FERGUSON GAS UNIT 2 Rusk County
06-199467 MCJIMSEY GAS UNIT Panola County
06-204393 FURRH GAS UNIT Panola County
06-213060 JENKINS GAS UNIT Panola County
06-215009 JENKINS GAS UNIT Panola County
06-218639 MCJIMSEY GAS UNIT Panola County
06-220442 FERGUSON GAS UNIT 1 Rusk County
06-221319 ACKER Rusk County
06-225402 BECKVILLE GAS UNIT Panola County
06-227458 MCJIMSEY GAS UNIT Panola County
10-022113 OIL DEVELOPMENT OF TEXAS GU Hansford County
10-022662 BOESE Ochiltree County
10-045599 HILL, BEN Roberts County
10-07524 COURSON RANCH SOUTH PA 5 Roberts County
10-07655 COURSON RANCH TEW Roberts County
10-07934 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-07988 PAYNE, D. D. Roberts County
10-08019 MILLS, R. D. Roberts County
10-08094 PAYNE RANCH GAS UNIT Roberts County
10-090752 PIPER Lipscomb County
10-178693 HILL, BEN Roberts County
10-179051 SCHNEIDER UNIT Ochiltree County
10-185990 PIONEER Roberts County
10-186457 BEN HILL Roberts County
10-196359 PIONEER Roberts County
10-203780 HILL, BEN Roberts County
10-204794 PARSELL Roberts County
10-209409 PIONEER Roberts County
10-209918 MC GARRAUGH ET AL "D" Ochiltree County
10-222888 KILLEBREW, STELLA Roberts County
10-228856 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-235861 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-250564 MAKE BELIEVE Roberts County
10-250566 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-250865 MAKE BELIEVE Roberts County
10-251380 D D PAYNE Roberts County
10-253516 BYRUM GAS UNIT Roberts County
10-254220 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-254927 MAKE BELIEVE GAS UNIT Hemphill County
10-255526 MAKE BELIEVE GAS UNIT 'A' Hemphill County
10-257664 IMAGINE Hemphill County
10-257665 IMAGINE Hemphill County
10-257868 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-259683 MAKE BELIEVE Hemphill County
10-265532 MARTIN TRUST Roberts County
10-267163 CHRISTIE TIPPS Roberts County
10-267732 FLOWERS XS E3 Roberts County
10-269131 CLARK XS Roberts County
10-269133 FLOWERS XS Roberts County
10-273084 FLOWERS C3 Roberts County
10-275082 J. FLOWERS XS Roberts County
10-275130 J. FLOWERS XS Roberts County
10-275162 FLOWERS XS Roberts County
10-276066 FLOWERS C3 Roberts County
10-276311 FLOWERS XS Roberts County
10-277438 KIM C3 Roberts County
7C-03621 MILLER, ROY Crockett County
7C-03781 MILLER, ROY, -BB- Crockett County
7C-03782 MILLER, ROY -C- Crockett County
7C-04001 MILLER, ROY -D- Crockett County
7C-063398 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-098720 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-101892 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-148305 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-149524 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-150926 MILLER, ROY Crockett County
7C-155045 MIERS, W. L. -C- Edwards County
7C-156359 MIERS, W. L. -C- Edwards County
7C-156499 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-156783 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-156785 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-159183 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-163281 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-164597 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-164603 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-164607 WALLACE, G. D. Edwards County
7C-165473 WALLACE 24 1/2 Edwards County

Drilling Permits Filed by Range Production Company, LLC