Prize Exploration & Prod, LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Prize Exploration & Prod, LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Prize Exploration & Prod, LLC
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Leases Operated by Prize Exploration & Prod, LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
03-22967 JONES UNIT A-981 Newton County
06-13040 TEXACO FEE BROOKLAND Newton County
06-13186 TEXACO FEE UNIT 5 Newton County
06-13243 CHAMPION UNIT 1 Newton County
06-13316 BROWN-DONNER A-1166 UNIT Newton County
06-13406 CHAMPION INT'L. UNIT A-1148 Newton County
06-13408 CHAMPION INT'L. UNIT A-1159 Newton County
06-13631 CHAMPION INT'L UNIT A-43 Newton County
06-13667 BLACKSTONE UNIT A-293 Newton County
06-13809 ARCO FEE UPR A-19 Jasper County
06-13853 BROWN-DONNER UNIT A-567 Newton County
06-13872 CREW UNIT A-342 Jasper County
06-13893 CHAMPION INTN'L UNIT A-439 Newton County
06-13899 CHAMPION INTN'L UNIT A-1164 Newton County
06-13902 BLACKSTONE MIN UNIT A-890 Newton County
06-13904 TEMPLE UNIT A-86 Newton County
06-13905 CHAMPION INT'L UNIT A-1136 Newton County
06-13906 BLACKSTONE UNIT A-897 Newton County
06-13908 STARK UNIT A-434 Sabine County
06-13909 CHAMPION INT'L UNIT A-143 Newton County
06-13910 CHAMPION INT'L UNIT A-1163 Newton County
06-13912 BLACKSTONE UNIT A-86 Newton County
06-13923 GIBBS BROS. UNIT Newton County
06-13994 DONNER-BROWN A-459 Newton County
06-14006 DONNER-BROWN 567 Newton County
06-14041 CHAMPION INT'L. A-143 Newton County
06-14056 TEMPLE-INLAND UNIT A-923 Newton County
06-14085 SMITH UNIT A-531 Newton County
06-14101 CHAMPION INT'L. UNIT A-565 Newton County
06-14109 CHAMPION INT'L. UNIT A-796 Newton County
06-14154 HOBBS UNIT A-19 Newton County
06-14280 BARROW UNIT A-928 Newton County
06-147163 DONNER UNIT Newton County
06-149207 ARCO FEE 'A' Jasper County
06-151506 ARCO FEE UNIT A-210 Jasper County
06-151808 ARCO FEE UNIT A-209 Jasper County
06-152327 ARCO - FEE UNIT A - 243 Jasper County
06-152511 ARCO FEE UNIT A-888 Jasper County
06-154275 ARCO-FEE A-215 Jasper County
06-155391 HAMILL UNIT A-118 Newton County
06-155801 DONNER-BROWN UNIT A-660 Newton County
06-155817 ARCO FEE A-910 Jasper County
06-156391 ARCO FEE UNIT A-252 Jasper County
06-156716 DONNER-BROWN UNIT A-148 Newton County
06-156985 BLACK STONE MINERALS A-982 UNIT Jasper County
06-156986 ARCO/BLACK STONE A-233 UNIT Jasper County
06-15871 CARTHAGE Newton County
06-15884 ARCO FEE UNIT A-241 Jasper County
06-160995 ARCO FEE "A" UNIT A-920 Jasper County
06-163061 ARCO FEE UNIT A-232 Jasper County
06-163347 ARCO FEE UNIT A-240 Jasper County
06-164322 BLACKSTONE MINERALS A-342 Jasper County
06-164325 ARCO FEE UNIT A-253 Jasper County
06-164865 DONNER-BROWN UNIT A-639 Newton County
06-168247 PEARL UNIT A-340 Jasper County
06-176601 VASTAR FEE UNIT A-888 Jasper County
06-177272 TEMPLE-INLAND UNIT A-601 Jasper County
06-177403 VASTAR FEE UNIT A-910 Jasper County
06-178337 DONNER BROWN UNIT A-1006 Jasper County
06-179974 FORTENSKY, L. A-1104 Newton County
06-180092 ANGELINA UNIT A-19 Jasper County
06-182483 TOWNSEND UNIT A-170 Newton County
06-184869 VASTAR FEE UNIT A-15 Jasper County
06-185306 DONNER-BROWN UNIT A-83 Newton County
06-186080 BLACK STONE MINERALS UNIT A-977 Jasper County
06-189592 VASTAR FEE UNIT A-109 Jasper County
06-190726 BLACKSTONE MINERALS UNIT A-979 Jasper County
06-191986 MARTINDALE UNIT A-15 Jasper County
06-194341 BP AMERICA UNIT A-214 Jasper County
06-197316 BLACKSTONE MINERALS UNIT A-982 Jasper County
06-202451 CHAMPION UNIT 1 Newton County
06-204503 TEMPLE INDUSTRIES UNIT Jasper County
06-211964 STOCKER, M.J. UNIT Tyler County
06-217427 CHAMPION INT'L A-334 Newton County
06-245692 ARCO FEE UNIT A-920 Jasper County
06-245707 ARCO FEE UNIT A-580 Jasper County
06-246168 ARCO FEE UNIT A-222 Jasper County
06-261350 TEMPLE INLAND A41 Jasper County
10-01443 KELLER, P. M. Wheeler County
10-129173 LARD, J. D. Roberts County

Drilling Permits Filed by Prize Exploration & Prod, LLC