Petroquest Energy, L.L.C. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Petroquest Energy, L.L.C.
Map of Wells Operated by Petroquest Energy, L.L.C.
Contact Information
Company Name:

P O BOX 51205


National Activity for Petroquest Energy, L.L.C.

Leases Operated by Petroquest Energy, L.L.C.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
01-15759 HUNTER La Salle County
01-15793 DEDMAN Dimmit County
01-15840 HARRIS La Salle County
01-17020 HUNTER B La Salle County
01-17024 HARRIS B La Salle County
03-091472 STATE TRACT 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-091473 STATE TRACT 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-092361 STATE TRACT 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-110429 STATE LEASE 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-141372 STATE TRACT #68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-141373 STATE TRACT 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-141500 STATE TRACT 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-147591 STATE LEASE 68099 Brazos Large Block Offshore
03-25894 S. T. 186-L S/2 SE/4 Galveston Large Block Offshore
06-160819 SOUTHLAND PAPER COMPANY Panola County
06-160938 SOUTHLAND PAPER COMPANY Panola County
06-160942 WERNER-POPE Panola County
06-160944 LAGRONE, T.S. UNIT Panola County
06-160951 SOUTHLAND PAPER COMPANY Panola County
06-160963 SOUTHLAND PAPER COMPANY Panola County
06-160967 LAGRONE, T.S. UNIT Panola County
06-161223 MCMILLAN, KATE UNIT Panola County
06-161268 SOUTHLAND PAPER COMPANY "A" UNIT Panola County
06-161331 WERNER-LEFOY Panola County
06-161532 WERNER-BURTON UNIT Panola County
06-221976 WERNER-HULL GU Panola County
06-222014 LAGRONE-JETER UNIT Panola County
06-222017 LAGRONE-JETER UNIT Panola County
06-222019 LAGRONE, T.S. UNIT Panola County
06-222957 WERNER-POWELL Panola County
06-223202 LAGRONE, T.S. UNIT Panola County
06-227309 NEW BIRMINGHAM Cherokee County
06-227721 LAGRONE, CLAYTON Panola County
06-227725 LAGRONE, CLAYTON Panola County
06-228321 JONES, O.L. GAS UNIT Panola County
06-228841 POWELL "A2" Panola County
06-229752 TRAVIS GAS UNIT Cherokee County
06-229765 TRAVIS GAS UNIT Cherokee County
06-234469 WERNER-PEARCE UNIT Panola County
06-264760 WERNER-BURTON UNIT Panola County
06-264941 FROST (B) UNIT Panola County
06-266830 PENNA-SIKES Panola County
06-266834 WERNER-MICHER Panola County
06-266915 FROST "B" Panola County
06-266988 WERNER-BURTON Panola County
06-267378 WERNER-POPE Panola County
06-267672 CARROLL, A. E. Panola County
06-270354 POWELL, W.B. UNIT Panola County
06-270548 CARROLL, A. E. Panola County
06-273484 LAGRONE, T.S. UNIT Panola County
06-274439 WERNER SAWMILL CO. UNIT Panola County
06-277585 SABINE ROYALTY UNIT Panola County
06-278088 MCFADDEN-BAGLEY UNIT Panola County
06-278098 REEVES-CURTIS UNIT Panola County
06-278104 REEVES-CURTIS UNIT Panola County
06-278225 SABINE ROYALTY UNIT Panola County
06-279950 WERNER-BAGLEY UNIT Panola County
06-282710 MEDLIN-YOUNGBLOOD Panola County
06-282987 WERNER JORDAN-BURDEN PSA Panola County
06-283471 REEVES-CURTIS UNIT Panola County
06-283743 REEVES-CURTIS UNIT Panola County
06-283763 RICH UNIT Panola County
06-283771 RICH UNIT Panola County
06-283969 CARROLL, A. E. Panola County
06-283972 WIENER-OWEN PSA 3 Panola County
06-286900 WIENER CV PSA Panola County
06-288019 WIENER CV 4 Panola County
06-288021 WIENER CV 3 Panola County
06-288022 WIENER-OWEN PSA Panola County
06-288023 WIENER-OWEN PSA 2 Panola County
06-292911 WERNER-WHITE Panola County
06-293016 SABINE ROYALTY ALO Panola County
06-293075 SABINE ROYALTY ALO 4 Panola County
06-294618 PACE CV UNIT Panola County
06-294776 PACE CV UNIT Panola County
09-185614 WYATT Denton County
09-188541 WYATT Denton County
09-188542 WYATT Denton County
09-189078 WYATT Denton County
09-190711 WYATT Denton County

Drilling Permits Filed by Petroquest Energy, L.L.C.