PDC Permian, Inc. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By PDC Permian, Inc.
Map of Wells Operated by PDC Permian, Inc.
Contact Information
Company Name:



Leases Operated by PDC Permian, Inc.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
08-283414 HERMIT 5556 Reeves County
08-283481 GREENWICH NE 3130 Reeves County
08-283584 KENOSHA 4441 Reeves County
08-283817 YELLOW JACKET 1716 Reeves County
08-284297 GREENWICH SW 3142 Reeves County
08-284317 GREENWICH NW 3130 Reeves County
08-284700 OLD MONARCH STATE 12 Reeves County
08-284710 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 Reeves County
08-284806 HELBING STATE 56-5 Reeves County
08-285032 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-285122 KENOSHA 4441 Reeves County
08-285273 GAVSTER STATE 32A Reeves County
08-285452 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 Reeves County
08-285528 LIAM STATE 53-12 Reeves County
08-286029 STINGER 1716 Reeves County
08-286336 YELLOW JACKET 1716 Reeves County
08-286527 ARGENTINE STATE 7170 4U Reeves County
08-286927 STONEMAN STATE 3927 Reeves County
08-287018 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 2U Reeves County
08-287042 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 3U Reeves County
08-287109 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 4U Reeves County
08-287156 WINDY MOUNTAIN 7879 2U Reeves County
08-287202 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 1U Reeves County
08-289806 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-289903 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-289904 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-289907 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-289928 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-290754 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 6U Reeves County
08-290755 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 8U Reeves County
08-290875 BUCKSKIN STATE 1003 7U Reeves County
08-290992 STONEMAN STATE 3927 Reeves County
08-291720 BUZZARD SOUTH 6972 Reeves County
08-291767 BUZZARD SOUTH 6972 Reeves County
08-291817 BUZZARD NORTH 6972 Reeves County
08-291880 ARGENTINE STATE 7170 14U Reeves County
08-291923 ARGENTINE STATE 7170 15U Reeves County
08-291926 KENOSHA-KEYHOLE 4341 2U Reeves County
08-291934 KENOSHA-KEYHOLE 4341 1U Reeves County
08-291947 GRIZZLY NORTH 7673 Reeves County
08-292126 BUZZARD NORTH 6972 Reeves County
08-292141 ARGENTINE STATE 7170 18U Reeves County
08-292833 OLD MONARCH STATE 12 Reeves County
08-292895 OLD MONARCH STATE 12 Reeves County
08-292896 OLD MONARCH STATE 12 Reeves County
08-293023 REDHORN 4303 UNIT Reeves County
08-293027 OLD MONARCH STATE 12 Reeves County
08-293297 REDHORN 4303 UNIT Reeves County
08-293314 REDHORN 4303 UNIT Reeves County
08-293374 REDHORN 4303 UNIT Reeves County
08-293421 LOST KEYS 4345 6U Reeves County
08-293422 REDHORN 4303 UNIT Reeves County
08-293442 LOST KEYS 4345 4U Reeves County
08-293490 LOST KEYS 4345 5U Reeves County
08-293813 KODIAK 7677 1U Reeves County
08-293818 LOST KEYS 4345 1U Reeves County
08-293952 LOST KEYS 4345 2U Reeves County
08-293971 LOST KEYS 4345 3U Reeves County
08-294104 SUGARLOAF 7475 10U Reeves County
08-294668 SUGARLOAF 7475 4U Reeves County
08-294934 SUGARLOAF 7475 6U Reeves County
08-295149 SUGARLOAF 7475 7U Reeves County
08-295216 SUGARLOAF 7475 9U Reeves County
08-295440 SUGARLOAF 7475 5U Reeves County
08-295530 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 9U Reeves County
08-295608 SUGARLOAF 7475 8U Reeves County
08-295621 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 Reeves County
08-295792 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 10U Reeves County
08-295925 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 Reeves County
08-296035 SUNNYSIDE STATE 2 Reeves County
08-49174 ELKHEAD 4144 Reeves County
08-49177 BUZZARD NORTH 6972 Reeves County
08-49196 GRIZZLY NORTH 7673 Reeves County
08-49225 BUZZARD SOUTH 6972 Reeves County
08-49237 GRIZZLY SOUTH 7673 Reeves County
08-50274 GRIZZLY BEAR 7780 6U Reeves County
08-50829 SUGARLOAF 7475 3U Reeves County
08-51286 TINMAN 8180 7U Reeves County
08-54118 ARGENTINE STATE 7170 9U Reeves County
08-54119 ARGENTINE STATE 7170 8U Reeves County

Drilling Permits Filed by PDC Permian, Inc.