PCTB Operating Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By PCTB Operating
Map of Wells Operated by PCTB Operating
Contact Information
Company Name:

P O BOX 1225
BORGER, TX 79008

Leases Operated by PCTB Operating

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
10-00111 WARE Carson County
10-00287 MCCONNELL, L. C. Gray County
10-00434 SKIDMORE, J. Gray County
10-00723 SMITH Hutchinson County
10-00925 MOLLIE Hutchinson County
10-00926 NEIL Hutchinson County
10-00952 TRACT Hutchinson County
10-01017 SKIATEX Hutchinson County
10-01029 EBSON Hutchinson County
10-01291 DOUBLE FIVE Hutchinson County
10-01296 SULLIVAN Hutchinson County
10-01565 ESTATE Carson County
10-02001 HELMS Carson County
10-02146 BULLWHEEL Hutchinson County
10-02409 MCILROY Hutchinson County
10-024827 DUGAN Hutchinson County
10-02696 JAKE Hutchinson County
10-042266 MCCONNELL Carson County
10-04444 SAMUEL Hutchinson County
10-04464 BURNETT Carson County
10-04664 SAMUEL "B" Carson County
10-04700 SAMUEL "A" Carson County
10-04746 BURNETT -RA- Hutchinson County
10-05258 WEST BURNETT "RA" Hutchinson County

Drilling Permits Filed by PCTB Operating