Pan American Petroleum Corp. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Pan American Petroleum Corp.
Map of Wells Operated by Pan American Petroleum Corp.
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Leases Operated by Pan American Petroleum Corp.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-036152 OBRIEN, J. M. -A- Refugio County
02-036336 OCONNOR, M. E. -F- Goliad County
02-037162 O'CONNOR, L. W. EST. -A- Goliad County
02-038910 ROOKE, B. D. Refugio County
02-043570 MUELLER GAS UNIT Calhoun County
02-043571 MUELLER GAS UNIT Calhoun County
02-043975 WHATLEY, R. W., "A" Calhoun County
03-005112 THOMPSON GU Matagorda County
03-005124 THOMPSON GAS UNIT Matagorda County
03-005164 KEITH & DOWLEN Jefferson County
03-005669 MOODY, ALVIN S. Harris County
03-006158 JANKE, WILLIAM F. Harris County
03-006443 RICHERS, E. Matagorda County
03-043202 PAUL, STEVE UNIT Brazoria County
03-044326 PAUL, STEVE UNIT Brazoria County
03-045827 KEITH & DOWLEN Jefferson County
03-046001 PAUL, STEVE UNIT Brazoria County
03-046861 RICHERS, ELISE Matagorda County
03-047322 PAUL, STEVE UNIT Brazoria County
03-047483 MILLER-KID GAS UNIT Brazoria County
03-06963 MCLEAN, MARRS "G" R/A C Galveston County
03-07156 MCFADDIN, J.L.C. Jefferson County
03-08805 MINNIE BARRETT UNIT 2 Harris County
04-011220 GAS UNIT -A- ZONE 3 Willacy County
04-011221 MCKINNEY G U Willacy County
04-011225 GAS UNIT A-ZONE 6 Willacy County
04-037974 GAS UNIT -A- ZONE 3 Willacy County
04-039782 GAS UNIT -A- ZONE 6 Willacy County
04-041492 WELDER RANCH San Patricio County
05-032892 WARE, W. T. Navarro County
05-043936 PIRTLE GAS UNIT Henderson County
06-016869 WOOD, BOB, GAS UNIT Gregg County
06-016924 SMITH, MAUDE -A- Gregg County
06-016925 WOOD, BOB, GAS UNIT Gregg County
06-016982 SMITH, MAUDE -A- Gregg County
06-017032 LAKE FERN UNIT Harrison County
06-017037 MCGEE, SALLIE STARR Harrison County
06-017061 WRIGHT MT. LP. UN. 93 Smith County
08-033758 FASKEN OPERATING AREA -B- Ector County
08-038172 TAYLOR, MACK -A- Winkler County
08-04846 SEAGO, EMMA Montague County
08-08357 MIDLAND FARMS "AK" Andrews County
08-08738 UNIV. "BZ" Andrews County
08-08862 UNIVERSTIY "BN" Andrews County
08-10466 NORTH COWDEN UNIT BLOCK XVI (16) Ector County
08-11679 UNIV. "CE" Andrews County
08-12148 UNIV. "DB" Andrews County
08-12232 UNIV. "DF" Andrews County
08-12263 UNIV. "DE" Andrews County
08-12291 UNIV. "DG" Andrews County
08-12739 HORACE "B" Ector County
08-13099 ANNIE LONG "B" Andrews County
08-15120 UNIVERSITY "NN" Andrews County
08-15385 LOGSDON, C.W., "A" Andrews County
08-18436 SIMMONS, G. F. Pecos County
10-022178 STUMP, J. V. Ochiltree County
10-02223 TAYLOR, A. Ochiltree County
10-022329 LIPS RANCH -A- Roberts County
10-022641 RHF MORROW UN 7T Ochiltree County
10-02347 CARMODY, E. M. Hansford County
10-02357 WEINETT, V.L.
10-02366 ROBERTS, R. P. Ochiltree County
10-02644 AKERS, I. A., -B- Lipscomb County
10-02645 AKERS, I. A. -A- Lipscomb County
10-02746 DEAN-TAYLOR Ochiltree County
10-028286 CHUNN, IRENE Ochiltree County
10-028289 HUTCHINSON GU B Hansford County
10-028409 LIPS RANCH B Roberts County
6E-07587 NOLEN, P.L. -B-
6E-07596 POWERS, J.S.
6E-07605 SANDERS, G.
6E-07632 WALKER, E.L. "A"
7B-017361 ROBINSON, GUY U. Palo Pinto County
7B-017968 MATTHEWS, WATT R., ET AL -B- Throckmorton County
7B-018209 NEILL, E. M. Coleman County
7B-10139 C. G. ABERNATHY "C" Stonewall County
7C-00086 G. NUNN "B" Runnels County

Drilling Permits Filed by Pan American Petroleum Corp.