Logas Energy, LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Logas Energy, LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Logas Energy, LLC
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Leases Operated by Logas Energy, LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
04-011395 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011400 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011403 SOUTH LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-011406 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011412 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011415 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011440 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011444 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-011452 SEELIGSON, A. A. Jim Wells County
04-011453 SEELIGSON, A. A. Jim Wells County
04-011459 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-013809 SEELIGSON, K. R. Kleberg County
04-013810 SEELIGSON /ZONE 21-B/ UNIT Kleberg County
04-013813 SEELIGSON /ZONE 21-B/ UNIT Kleberg County
04-013814 SEELIGSON /ZONE 21-B/ UNIT Kleberg County
04-013816 SEELIGSON /ZONE 21-B/ UNIT Jim Wells County
04-013817 SEELIGSON /ZONE 21-B/ UNIT Kleberg County
04-013823 SEELIGSON /ZONE 21-B/ UNIT Jim Wells County
04-047568 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-047737 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-047829 BLUCHER, C. F. H. Jim Wells County
04-049798 SOUTH LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-054459 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-054776 BLUCHER, C. F. H. Jim Wells County
04-057083 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-058540 SOUTH LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-058541 SOUTH LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-058929 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-064490 LA GLORIA G.U. Brooks County
04-067828 SEELIGSON UNIT Jim Wells County
04-072151 KING RANCH SEELIGSON Jim Wells County
04-072759 SEELIGSON ZONE 21-B UNIT Kleberg County
04-075220 SEELIGSON/ZONE 21-B/UNIT Kleberg County
04-076009 SEELIGSON 21-B UNIT Kleberg County
04-078246 SEELIGSON ZONE 21-B UNIT Kleberg County
04-119345 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-120344 SOUTH LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-121249 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-122264 BLUCHER, C.F.H. Jim Wells County
04-122873 BLUCHER, C.F.H. Jim Wells County
04-12366 KING RANCH SEELIGSON Jim Wells County
04-124046 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-124463 BLUCHER, C.F.H. Jim Wells County
04-125369 STEWART - JONES UNIT #2 Jim Wells County
04-126258 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-128190 STEWART - JONES UNIT NO.2 Jim Wells County
04-129870 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-131954 STEWART-JONES UNIT NO.2 Jim Wells County
04-132035 STEWART - JONES UNIT NO. 2 Jim Wells County
04-132230 BLUCHER, C.F.H. Jim Wells County
04-133161 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-133165 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-14009 KLUMPP-MADISON OIL UNIT Brooks County
04-14119 STEWART - JONES UNIT NO.2 Jim Wells County
04-14126 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-14242 BLUCHER, C.F.H. "B" Jim Wells County
04-14245 SEELIGSON 21-B UNIT SWD Kleberg County
04-143906 BLUCHER, C.F.H. Jim Wells County
04-146057 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-146059 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-148659 BLUCHER, C. F. H. Jim Wells County
04-150614 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-150651 STEWART-JONES UNIT NO. 1 Jim Wells County
04-151470 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-155387 BLUCHER, C. F. H. Jim Wells County
04-155652 BLUCHER, C. F. H. Jim Wells County
04-159492 SEELIGSON/ZONE 21-B/UNIT Kleberg County
04-162754 BLUCHER, C.F.H. Jim Wells County
04-166739 BLUCHER, C. F. H. Jim Wells County
04-179758 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN UNIT Brooks County
04-265841 SEELIGSON UNIT Jim Wells County
04-268872 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-270802 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-270911 MURPHY-KRUSE GU Brooks County
04-273005 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-275511 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-275515 LA GLORIA GAS UNIT Jim Wells County
04-278150 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Brooks County
04-289519 KLUMPP-BARRERA Brooks County
04-293073 SEELIGSON ZONE 21-B UNIT Kleberg County

Drilling Permits Filed by Logas Energy, LLC