Harco Operating Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Harco Operating
Map of Wells Operated by Harco Operating
Contact Information
Company Name:

P.O. BOX 969
BORGER, TX 79008

Leases Operated by Harco Operating

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
10-00070 BURNETT, S. B. Carson County
10-00140 BURNETT -A- Carson County
10-00541 REYNOLDS, AMANDA Gray County
10-00916 GARNER-PHILLIPS Hutchinson County
10-00965 WHITTENBURG Hutchinson County
10-00966 WHITTENBURG -C- Hutchinson County
10-01288 SANFORD -A- Hutchinson County
10-01688 HERRING Hutchinson County
10-01809 WHITTENBURG "D" Hutchinson County
10-01943 WHITTENBURG -F- Hutchinson County
10-01983 BURNETT -L- Hutchinson County
10-01984 BURNETT -K- Hutchinson County
10-02099 WHITTENBURG -E- Hutchinson County
10-02291 BURNETT "B" Carson County
10-02333 WHITTENBURG -A- Hutchinson County
10-02351 WHITTENBURG -B- Hutchinson County
10-02511 BURNETT, S. B., -C- Carson County
10-028022 ETLING Hansford County
10-028023 GIBNER Sherman County
10-04099 BURNET "C" Carson County
10-051399 TEMPIE Hartley County
10-070667 BURNETT Carson County
10-083753 BRYAN Hartley County
10-089321 BIVINS Potter County
10-120190 BIVINS Sherman County
10-137289 SANFORD -A- Hutchinson County
10-142444 SANFORD -A- Hutchinson County
10-145518 SANFORD -A- Hutchinson County

Drilling Permits Filed by Harco Operating