Felmont Oil Corp. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Felmont Oil Corp.
Map of Wells Operated by Felmont Oil Corp.
Contact Information
Company Name:

1221 LAMAR ST. #1600

Leases Operated by Felmont Oil Corp.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-053977 BRUSHY CREEK UNIT 1 Lavaca County
02-083397 BRUSHY CREEK UNIT NO. 1 Lavaca County
08-20636 HENDRICK -D- Winkler County
08-20715 SEALY, GEORGE, -A- Ward County
08-21377 PECOS -34- Pecos County
08-21505 UNIVERSITY Ward County
08-26926 JACKSON 48 Ward County
08-30693 WHITEFIELD Midland County
7B-10972 DILLER, JOHN Shackelford County
7B-114245 BROOKSHIER, G. Runnels County
7B-114916 BROOKSHIER, G. Runnels County
7B-12034 IVADELL UNIT Stephens County
7B-20013 BRISTOW Coleman County
7B-20733 BROOKSHIER, G. Runnels County
7B-23664 POLSTON, H.O. "B" Runnels County
7B-23665 STEPHENS, JACK Runnels County
7C-10323 UNIVERSITY -5- Upton County
7C-103714 UNIVERSITY "5" Upton County
7C-119264 OWENS 52 Upton County
7C-11937 OWENS -52- Upton County
8A-65036 SHELL WESTERN Scurry County

Drilling Permits Filed by Felmont Oil Corp.