Engas Corporation Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Engas Corporation
Map of Wells Operated by Engas Corporation
Contact Information
Company Name:

PO BOX 973

Leases Operated by Engas Corporation

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
09-03801 MER-MAG BRYSON WF UNIT Jack County
09-068365 CRANFORD, T. N. Jack County
09-096359 BROWN, EDGAR G. ESTATE Jack County
09-099551 YOWELL "B" Jack County
09-19855 SMITH, W. J. -A- Archer County
09-19874 KIMBALL-WALSH Jack County
09-20903 CAMPSEY -106- Jack County
09-209922 WILLIAMS Parker County
09-21708 VOYLES,R. E. Jack County
09-22878 COWAN-MCKINNEY "B" Archer County
09-24714 SIMMONS Archer County
09-25100 COWAN - MCKINNEY Archer County
09-25252 BLOODWORTH Jack County
09-27670 CAMPSEY Jack County
7B-041411 COSTELLO, M. B. Palo Pinto County
7B-044016 BRACKEEN, A. H. Palo Pinto County
7B-048083 COPELAND RANCH Stephens County
7B-059985 BRACKEEN, A. H. Palo Pinto County
7B-060104 BRACKEEN, A. H. Palo Pinto County
7B-064771 CAVENESS Palo Pinto County
7B-064876 SANDY Palo Pinto County
7B-065422 CARTER, MATTYE LOUISE Palo Pinto County
7B-067489 HEATH ELIZABETH "60" Palo Pinto County
7B-068039 CARTER, MATTYE LOUISE Palo Pinto County
7B-068877 BRACKEEN A. H. "A" Palo Pinto County
7B-074683 WATKINS, N. G. Parker County
7B-075251 MERCER Palo Pinto County
7B-076591 LAMINACK, R.F. Parker County
7B-076592 MOORE, HAROLD Parker County
7B-077498 PEIPELMAN, J. G. Parker County
7B-077968 YATES, J. J. Parker County
7B-079624 JONES, MINNIE Parker County
7B-079704 HOWARD, SARA JANE Parker County
7B-080211 MASON, VERNELL Parker County
7B-081018 MASON, VERNELL Parker County
7B-082433 HOWARD SARAH JANE Parker County
7B-082735 PEIPLEMAN, J.G. Parker County
7B-083398 PEIPLEMAN, J.G. Parker County
7B-083399 HOWARD, SARAH JANE Parker County
7B-090177 HOWARD, R.R. Parker County
7B-091422 HOWARD, R R Parker County
7B-091532 HOWARD R.R. Parker County
7B-092977 COSTELLO Palo Pinto County
7B-093482 HEARN,C.T. Palo Pinto County
7B-093810 LEE, W.D. Palo Pinto County
7B-095002 ELSIE SIMS HILL Parker County
7B-097255 COSTELLO Palo Pinto County
7B-097985 SMELLEY Parker County
7B-099944 WORTH RANCH Palo Pinto County
7B-100722 WILLIAMS Parker County
7B-101909 MERCER Palo Pinto County
7B-108378 BLACKWELL-GLOVER Palo Pinto County
7B-109050 MADDUX, J. C. GU "A" Parker County
7B-109051 J.C. MADDUX GU "A" Parker County
7B-10916 COPELAND RANCH Stephens County
7B-115910 HARRIS, LAVERNE Palo Pinto County
7B-117509 CROMERA-CARTER Palo Pinto County
7B-130095 WENNINGER, W. GU Parker County
7B-137578 BRACKEEN, A. H. Palo Pinto County
7B-141039 M.E.C. Palo Pinto County
7B-142404 HEATH, ELIZABETH "60" Palo Pinto County
7B-142794 MADDUX, J. C. Parker County
7B-167090 EAGLES NEST Palo Pinto County
7B-170123 WOLF DEN Palo Pinto County
7B-170670 WHARTON Palo Pinto County
7B-170703 NORTH, CARTER Palo Pinto County
7B-171491 SMITH HEIRS Palo Pinto County
7B-172354 MITCHELL, MARTHA Palo Pinto County
7B-194365 MADDOX, J. C. Parker County
7B-195773 JANA Palo Pinto County
7B-198412 SANDY Palo Pinto County
7B-199323 RIO BRAZOS Palo Pinto County
7B-204750 JANA Palo Pinto County
7B-215654 RIO BRAZOS "A" Palo Pinto County
7B-227477 EDMONDSON Palo Pinto County

Drilling Permits Filed by Engas Corporation