Embry Solutions, Inc. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Embry Solutions, Inc.
Map of Wells Operated by Embry Solutions, Inc.
Contact Information
Company Name:

PO BOX 150589
DALLAS, TX 75315

Leases Operated by Embry Solutions, Inc.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
03-11402 1ST. NATL. BANK OF MARSHALL,TR.3 Madison County
03-11436 FLOYD, T. H. Madison County
06-04339 WARE & BAILEY Anderson County
06-04379 WARE & WILSON Anderson County
06-04411 7-11 RANCH -B- Anderson County
06-04761 7-11 RANCH -C- Anderson County
06-10226 E.S.S.C. Henderson County
06-13320 MAY/WOLF Anderson County
06-13334 MAY, EVELYN Anderson County
06-13445 MAY, LENA Anderson County

Drilling Permits Filed by Embry Solutions, Inc.