Double Diamond Petroleum, Inc. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Double Diamond Petroleum, Inc.
Map of Wells Operated by Double Diamond Petroleum, Inc.
Contact Information
Company Name:

PO BOX 921

Leases Operated by Double Diamond Petroleum, Inc.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
06-00753 BEILER, M. L. -A- Anderson County
06-00774 ANDERSON, J. B. Anderson County
06-00775 BEILER, M. L. Anderson County
06-00776 BROYLES & WOOLVERTON Anderson County
06-00781 POOLE, A. W. Anderson County
06-00782 ROBINSON & HOMBS -A- Anderson County
06-00785 SUTTON-WOOLVERTON Anderson County
06-00787 TUCKER, E. Anderson County
06-04339 WARE & BAILEY Anderson County
06-04378 7-11 RANCH -A- Anderson County
06-04379 WARE & WILSON Anderson County
06-04411 7-11 RANCH -B- Anderson County
06-04761 7-11 RANCH -C- Anderson County
06-10477 BEILER, M.L. Anderson County
06-11673 BROYLES AND WOLVERTON Anderson County
06-11987 DAVIS, R. W. Anderson County
06-12374 GRAGG Anderson County
06-169994 LOPER, VERNA Anderson County
06-174871 LOPER, VERNA B Anderson County
06-175572 LOPER, VERNA Anderson County
7C-07080 BYNUM, R. C. Sterling County
7C-07153 COPELAND Sterling County
7C-07155 BYNUM, R.C., EAST A Sterling County
7C-07522 BYNUM-EAST,R.C. Sterling County

Drilling Permits Filed by Double Diamond Petroleum, Inc.