Discovery Natural Resources LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Discovery Natural Resources LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Discovery Natural Resources LLC
Contact Information
Company Name:

1001 17TH STREET STE 2000
DENVER, CO 80202


National Activity for Discovery Natural Resources LLC

Leases Operated by Discovery Natural Resources LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
08-40685 RAY 26 Glasscock County
08-41771 BARBEE Glasscock County
08-42065 BARBEE 37 Glasscock County
08-59608 BARBEE D Glasscock County
08-59609 BARBEE E Glasscock County
7C-15161 ROCKER B "67" Reagan County
7C-16520 MUSTANG DRAW Irion County
7C-16753 CONCHO Irion County
7C-16833 TEPEE DRAW Irion County
7C-17011 ANTELOPE DRAW Irion County
7C-17362 MALLARD Irion County
7C-17374 CONCHO A Irion County
7C-17384 CHICO COMPANY Reagan County
7C-17647 ROCK HOLLOW Irion County
7C-17677 NORTH CREEK B Reagan County
7C-17854 PECAN A Irion County
7C-17878 DIVIDE DRAW Reagan County
7C-18628 ROCK HOLLOW D Irion County
7C-19203 DIVIDE-SCOTT A Reagan County
7C-19476 PAIGE 13-12 Reagan County
7C-19607 DIVIDE-SCOTT X Reagan County
7C-19617 HICKMAN E Reagan County
7C-19632 DIVIDE-SCOTT Y Reagan County
7C-19634 HICKMAN D Reagan County
7C-19707 DIVIDE-SCOTT T Reagan County
7C-19708 DIVIDE-SCOTT U Reagan County
7C-19709 DIVIDE-SCOTT V Reagan County
7C-19753 DIVIDE-SCOTT B Reagan County
7C-19806 HICKMAN P Reagan County
7C-19814 HICKMAN N Reagan County
7C-19820 HICKMAN O Reagan County
7C-19972 DIVIDE DRAW Y Reagan County
7C-19973 DIVIDE DRAW Z Reagan County
7C-20026 DIVIDE-SCOTT G Reagan County
7C-20027 DIVIDE-SCOTT H Reagan County
7C-20032 DIVIDE-SCOTT F Reagan County
7C-20037 DIVIDE-SCOTT P Reagan County
7C-20055 DIVIDE-SCOTT L Reagan County
7C-20058 DIVIDE-SCOTT M Reagan County
7C-20063 DIVIDE-SCOTT J Reagan County
7C-20064 DIVIDE-SCOTT N Reagan County
7C-20070 BULLHEAD Irion County
7C-20151 HICKMAN AL05 Reagan County
7C-20178 HUGHES V Reagan County
7C-20179 HUGHES U Reagan County
7C-20180 HUGHES Y Reagan County
7C-20181 HUGHES Z Reagan County
7C-20184 HUGHES W Reagan County
7C-20185 HUGHES X Reagan County
7C-20477 CHICO AL02 Reagan County
7C-20478 CHICO AL01 Reagan County
7C-20536 BALL AL01 Reagan County
7C-20537 BALL AL04 Reagan County
7C-20538 BALL AL03 Reagan County
7C-20539 BALL AL02 Reagan County
7C-20954 NORTH CREEK B AL01 Reagan County
7C-21273 NORTH CREEK B AL03 Reagan County
7C-21274 NORTH CREEK B AL04 Reagan County
7C-21613 BALL AL05 Reagan County
7C-21614 BALL AL06 Reagan County
7C-21632 HICKMAN AL06 Reagan County
7C-22101 DSWEST A Reagan County
7C-22102 DSWEST B Reagan County
7C-22103 DSWEST C Reagan County
7C-22104 DSWEST D Reagan County
7C-22105 DSWEST E Reagan County
7C-22257 CHILI Reagan County
7C-22258 CHILI A Reagan County
7C-22259 CHILI B Reagan County
7C-22368 DIVIDE DRAW C Reagan County
7C-22369 DIVIDE DRAW D Reagan County
7C-22370 DIVIDE DRAW E Reagan County
7C-22371 DIVIDE DRAW B Reagan County
7C-22442 HIGHLAND AA S3050 Irion County
7C-22443 ANTELOPE DRAW BA S01 Irion County
7C-22571 DIVIDE BALL C Reagan County
7C-22573 DIVIDE BALL B Reagan County
7C-22578 DIVIDE BALL D Reagan County
7C-22675 LEWIS TRAP CA S02 Irion County
7C-22774 ANTELOPE DRAW BB N01 Irion County

Drilling Permits Filed by Discovery Natural Resources LLC