Choice Exploration, Inc. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Choice Exploration, Inc.
Map of Wells Operated by Choice Exploration, Inc.
Contact Information
Company Name:

IRVING, TX 75063

Leases Operated by Choice Exploration, Inc.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-05564 O'CONNOR, M. E. Refugio County
02-05736 O'CONNOR, M. E. Refugio County
02-06116 MAURITZ Jackson County
02-08812 MCNEIL "D" Live Oak County
02-09118 BOLLAND RANCH Live Oak County
02-09456 LFW Live Oak County
02-09581 PARKER HEIRS Live Oak County
02-09681 IANTHA RUTLEDGE Live Oak County
02-09687 LFW Live Oak County
02-09698 RAMIRENA CREEK UNIT Live Oak County
02-10182 RAMIRENA CREEK Live Oak County
02-10327 LAKEHOUSE UNIT Live Oak County
02-10427 HATCHER HEIRS Live Oak County
02-10658 DIRKS Live Oak County
02-119778 O'CONNOR, M.E. Refugio County
02-129612 CRABTREE Victoria County
02-182605 SCHAUER Bee County
02-211794 LEWIS Bee County
02-234185 DOBIE Live Oak County
02-236792 DOBIE Live Oak County
02-236805 DOBIE Live Oak County
02-256072 MARY ALICE JONES Live Oak County
03-053712 MERTA, MARY Wharton County
03-06438 ORCHARD OIL UNIT #1 O/A Galveston County
03-06616 ORCHARD OIL UNIT #4 O/A Galveston County
03-11046 TRELFORD, G.C.O.-A.K. UNIT Galveston County
03-11495 VIEHMAN, GLADYS Galveston County
03-11531 REITMEYER-BRISCOE SWD Galveston County
03-117017 COCKBURN, H. C. Wharton County
03-119428 MERTA, FRANK J ET AL Wharton County
03-168926 ZALMAN, C. Wharton County
03-170592 COCKBURN OIL CORP. UNIT Wharton County
03-180260 COCKBURN Wharton County
03-200963 PICKETT Liberty County
03-219130 PUTNAM, J. B. Wharton County
03-219266 KENT-SPRADLEY UNIT Liberty County
03-222715 LADNER Liberty County
03-224736 BLACK STONE MINERALS Liberty County
03-22507 WILBECK, ET AL Wharton County
03-23609 COCKBURN OIL UNIT Wharton County
03-242493 GREAK ESTATE Liberty County
03-244033 HENDERSON, EDMOND SR. Liberty County
03-245436 KENT - SPRADLEY UNIT Liberty County
03-258027 HENDERSON RANCH Liberty County
03-258130 DOROTIK Wharton County
03-25995 SARAH HUNT 'A' Liberty County
03-260489 HENDERSON RANCH Liberty County
03-262466 MIDDLETON Liberty County
03-263577 WILLIS RANCH Liberty County
03-264265 TBT Liberty County
03-264819 MCDERMAND GAS UNIT Jefferson County
03-264854 VILLAGE CREEK SP GU Hardin County
03-265002 VILLAGE CREEK SP GU Hardin County
03-270074 ZELDA Liberty County
03-271517 MCH Liberty County
03-272084 RAYMOND Liberty County
03-272394 BAYOU ESTATES Jefferson County
03-275345 IMPERIAL Liberty County
03-277266 TEXLA MILL Orange County
03-279193 PINEY WOODS Jasper County
03-279194 PINEY WOODS Jasper County
03-279197 LANGHAM Jefferson County
03-281180 LANGHAM UNIT Jefferson County
03-281876 LANGHAM UNIT Jefferson County
03-282755 MILES Jasper County
09-161889 CORRY 3-S Jack County
09-280705 DINWIDDIE Jack County
09-32853 MORTON Jack County
09-32932 DINWIDDIE Jack County
09-33042 CORRY Jack County
09-33407 TAYLOR Jack County
09-33425 MORTON Jack County
09-33434 CORRY Jack County
09-33606 DINWIDDIE Jack County
10-09007 KILLEBREW Roberts County
10-09008 KILLEBREW Roberts County
10-09142 ELLIOTT FARMS Ochiltree County
10-09204 PARSELL RANCH Roberts County
10-09311 KILLEBREW Roberts County
10-09475 CARTER Ochiltree County

Drilling Permits Filed by Choice Exploration, Inc.