Caprock Engineering, Inc. Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Caprock Engineering, Inc.
Map of Wells Operated by Caprock Engineering, Inc.
Contact Information
Company Name:

BOX 341
PAMPA, TX 79066

Leases Operated by Caprock Engineering, Inc.

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
10-023216 HOERNER Gray County
10-024262 RICE, J. B. Carson County
10-024315 VICARS Carson County
10-024384 QUIRK Carson County
10-024818 DOSS Gray County
10-025373 KNORPP, J. W. Carson County
10-025893 THUT -A- Gray County
10-026336 DAMRON Wheeler County
10-026865 MCDOWELL Wheeler County
10-026866 TAYLOR Collingsworth County
10-026874 EVANS Gray County
10-03234 RAYMOND Gray County
10-03659 DOSS Gray County
10-040577 HARRELL-CONRAD UNIT Carson County
10-040578 MORGAN UNIT Carson County
10-040579 MORMAN-HARRELL UNIT Gray County
10-040580 STEED-SHAW UNIT Gray County
10-041315 CAREY Carson County
10-05056 BOBBY Gray County
10-05528 TINA Carson County
10-05708 BART Carson County
10-05972 KAYLA Gray County
10-06209 LADD Gray County
10-06400 LANE Gray County
10-06404 HODGES Carson County
10-06508 JUDY Carson County
10-06535 FRAN Carson County
10-06581 TOM Carson County
10-06589 CHRIS Carson County
10-06619 JEFF Carson County
10-06664 HEIDI Gray County
10-06701 BETTY Gray County
10-06782 GLENDA Carson County
10-06886 ANN Carson County
10-090598 CULVER, C. L. Carson County
10-096941 CULVER, C. L. Carson County
10-100593 BOWERS, CHARLES Carson County
10-128078 MAMIE Carson County
10-140820 BETTY Gray County
10-143451 LADD Gray County
10-150327 KNORPP, J.W. Carson County
10-156815 LADD Gray County
10-167079 KAYLA Gray County
10-175559 HORN, EDITH S. Carson County
10-175589 RICE, J.B. Carson County
10-193446 QUIRK Carson County
10-239393 BIGGS HORN Carson County
10-271921 JEFF Carson County
10-277470 KAYLA Gray County
10-277740 HEIDI Gray County

Drilling Permits Filed by Caprock Engineering, Inc.