Bustamante Resources LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Bustamante Resources LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Bustamante Resources LLC
Contact Information
Company Name:

PO BOX 50923


Leases Operated by Bustamante Resources LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-131249 HARTMAN, VICTOR -A- DeWitt County
02-137536 WALLACE DeWitt County
02-145255 PHILLIPS DeWitt County
02-163945 ZENGERLE DeWitt County
02-175416 THIEME DeWitt County
02-184333 THIEME DeWitt County
08-02432 HALLEY -B- Winkler County
08-04762 BERTNER, GUS Ward County
08-06867 TXL Reeves County
08-07998 WHEAT, J. J. Loving County
08-09064 EGOLF, LYDA C. A/C #3 Upton County
08-09125 JOHNSON, C. M. AND D. L. Pecos County
08-10150 JOHNSON, W. D. 48-B Loving County
08-11326 TXL -37 -A- Loving County
08-11489 VANLANDINGHAM Andrews County
08-11564 JOHNSON, W. D. 48C Loving County
08-12879 KYLE, SID M., ETAL Loving County
08-14225 TXL Reeves County
08-17120 ZANT, JOHN W. Glasscock County
08-18096 TXL -37- Loving County
08-19966 JOHNSON, W. D., -48- Loving County
08-19967 JOHNSON, W. D., -48A- Loving County
08-226843 ARMSTRONG Reeves County
08-23775 ZANT Glasscock County
08-24366 TXL-1A Reeves County
08-27654 LETHA Midland County
08-27712 LYDIA Midland County
08-28016 NORMAN Gaines County
08-28561 SUTTON Midland County
08-28763 ASHMORE-FITTS Andrews County
08-29530 GAP Upton County
08-30436 HOWELL ESTATE Andrews County
08-31215 COWDEN -31- Ector County
08-41544 VERMEJO "A" Ward County
08-52422 BOLLINGER 4 Reeves County
08-57423 LETHA Midland County
7B-087603 GUNSIGHT Stephens County
7B-089104 GLENN LEECH ET AL Shackelford County
7B-108142 VAUGHN, M C. Comanche County
7B-109285 HUDSON (SEC. 70) Shackelford County
7B-11224 LEECH, GLENN ET AL Shackelford County
7B-133500 HANNA, MARGARET Eastland County
7B-14928 BURNAM, M.G. Callahan County
7B-16509 THORNBURG Nolan County
7B-16778 THORNBURG Nolan County
7B-17354 BURNAM, M.G., "A" Callahan County
7B-18131 KESSLER, FRED "A" Taylor County
7B-25696 GRAHAM, JAMES F. Taylor County
7B-261284 MOORE JOHNSTON Shackelford County
7B-27316 KESSLER, FRED T. "A" Taylor County
7B-28211 CAMP BARKELEY Taylor County
7B-28313 ROBERTS 50 Shackelford County
7B-31296 LEECH GLEN ET AL Shackelford County
7C-07485 HENDRY Coke County
7C-07587 TERRY "118" Coke County
7C-087615 UNIVERSITY 22 Schleicher County
7C-094725 UNIVERSITY 24 Schleicher County
7C-11149 MESA Upton County
7C-13648 NORTH SUSAN PEAK UNIT Tom Green County
7C-189185 TERRY "B" Coke County
7C-210273 TERRY "118" Coke County
7C-210277 TERRY "A" Coke County
7C-212323 TERRY "B" Coke County
7C-212324 TERRY "B" Coke County
7C-21941 HENDRY, M. C. Coke County
7C-21952 MATHERS, ARCH Coke County
7C-276171 TERRY "A" Coke County
8A-00649 COGDELL, D. M. Kent County
8A-61007 COGDELL, M. A. Kent County
8A-64518 GREEN, S. A. ET AL "A" Yoakum County
8A-64565 GENTRY Yoakum County
8A-64712 GREEN, S. A. ET AL Yoakum County
8A-64830 GREEN, S. A. Yoakum County
8A-65364 COOPER Dawson County
8A-65976 GREEN Yoakum County
8A-67445 JOEL Scurry County
8A-68934 HAMLETT Scurry County
8A-69396 LYNNDALE Yoakum County
8A-70447 HARDY UNIT Scurry County
8A-70855 ORSON 97 Gaines County

Drilling Permits Filed by Bustamante Resources LLC