1789 Management, LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By 1789 Management, LLC
Map of Wells Operated by 1789 Management, LLC
Contact Information
Company Name:

9601 KATY FWY STE 205


Leases Operated by 1789 Management, LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
05-176712 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-181193 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-185844 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-194791 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-202100 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-205585 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-206077 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-210251 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-212898 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-214889 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-216622 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-216676 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-216681 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-217876 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-227302 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-228120 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-228122 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-231668 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-231689 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-232491 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-232492 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-233043 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-233489 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-233628 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-233670 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-233784 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-235758 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-235839 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-236071 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-236072 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-236073 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-237730 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-237731 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-240297 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-240375 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-240377 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-240380 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241392 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241538 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241543 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-241544 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-241583 DOSS GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241640 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241658 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241659 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241739 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-241764 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-241770 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-241814 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-243428 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-243451 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-243477 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-243479 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-243497 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-243500 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-243501 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-245006 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-245118 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-245142 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-247043 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-249775 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-250981 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-250983 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-251119 BOBBY REED GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-251320 DOSS GU Limestone County
05-251744 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-252351 REED, BOBBY GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-252904 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-253481 DOSS GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-253482 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-254058 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-254074 DOSS GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-254621 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-254735 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-280342 ALTON SIMS Limestone County
05-284652 SIMS, ALTON Limestone County
05-287293 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-287416 BOBBY REED GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-287589 RICKARD GAS UNIT Limestone County
05-289038 DOSS GAS UNIT Limestone County

Drilling Permits Filed by 1789 Management, LLC