Oil and Gas Operators in Burleson County, TX
Oil Production in Barrels By Year In Burleson County, TX
1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | |
Oil | 8724650 | 8240049 | 6876487 | 6896230 | 6288151 | 4829643 | 3601057 | 4003730 | 4000184 | 3338823 | 2805825 | 2444921 | 2254310 | 2061906 | 1885454 | 2156122 | 1903293 | 2012926 | 2089899 | 1691557 | 1774806 | 4341476 | 7084943 | 6832417 | 9068843 | 14279839 | 16420319 | 15497177 | 12001391 | 10030336 | 9512922 | 7750734 | 0 |
Gas | 58379369 | 49457075 | 37937180 | 33874389 | 31896160 | 25980283 | 21184842 | 20414863 | 21892848 | 19813954 | 15820368 | 14646537 | 15111861 | 13629278 | 12577899 | 11988695 | 11307933 | 10180826 | 9264920 | 8677363 | 8076817 | 10162683 | 14417507 | 12981855 | 13246255 | 15516260 | 14782800 | 13862115 | 11867725 | 10610920 | 9719432 | 7815734 | 0 |
Operators in Nearby Counties
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Top Leases in Burleson County, TX
- • Black Allocation Oil Lease #004469
- • Boxer B Oil Lease #027781
- • Bush A Oil Lease #027982
- • Cochran Oil Lease #028012
- • Dawn Oil Lease #004465
- • Dirty Harry Oil Lease #028083
- • Drgac Loehr 111 Unit Oil Lease #026755
- • Dusk Oil Lease #004464
- • Flippin 133 Ef Oil Lease #028039
- • Gunsmith Alloc. Oil Lease #004466
- • Haddox Oil Lease #004449
- • John Gerdes Oil Lease #027980
- • John Gerdes HCX1 Oil Lease #027990
- • John Gerdes HCX2 Oil Lease #027984
- • Lucy Oil Lease #004163
- • Magnum Force Oil Lease #028077
- • Neal Garbs 101 Unit Oil Lease #026781
- • Regan Unit Oil Lease #027715
- • Slu Oil Lease #004450
- • Sparrow Allocation Oil Lease #004468
Search Operators By Name
Operator Number |
Operator Name |
Location |
Leases |
302614 | 3-D DISPOSAL LLC | Caldwell, TX 77836 | |
953747 | 3-G OPERATING COMPANY | Houston, TX 77244 | |
954998 | 7711 CORPORATION, THE | Houston, TX 77002 | |
856467 | 84 ENERGY LLC | Flatonia, TX 78941 | 174 |
000352 | A.G.A. OIL CO. | Rockdale, TX 76567 | |
000845 | AARCAL ENERGY, INC. | Snook, TX 77878 | |
003600 | ACOCK, RANDOLPH | Corpus Chrsti, TX 78404 | |
003912 | ADA OIL EXPLORATION CORP. | Houston, TX 77001 | |
003968 | ADAIR & BALLINGER PETRO., INC. | Austin, TX 78734 | |
003996 | ADAMS RESOURCES EXPL. CORP. | Houston, TX 77001 | |
008380 | ADOBE OIL & GAS CORP. | Houston, TX 77057 | |
008475 | ADS | Caldwell, TX 77836 | |
000225 | ADS OIL & GAS, INC. | Caldwell, TX 77836 | |
000222 | ADS OPERATING, INC. | Houston, TX 77257 | |
008484 | ADVANCE HYDROCARBON CORPORATION | Houston, TX 77056 | |
008551 | AEGIS FLUIDS MANAGEMENT, LLC | Plano, TX 75093 | |
008584 | AGCO PETROLEUM COMPANY | Houston, TX 77002 | |
009130 | AIM CONSULTANTS INC. | Rockville, MD 20852 | |
009566 | AKG OPERATING COMPANY | Austin, TX 78701 | 2 |
009765 | AL-TX OPERATING INC. | Plum, TX 78952 | |
010074 | ALAMO OPERATING COMPANY, L. C. | San Antonio, TX 78278 | |
011285 | ALCORN PROD CO. | Victoria, TX 77902 | |
012190 | ALEXANDER ENERGY CORPORATION | Dallas, TX 75206 | |
012360 | ALEXANDER PET. CONSULTANTS, INC. | Houston, TX 77024 | |
013230 | ALL AM, INC. | Houston, TX 77057 | |
013365 | ALLEGIANT RESOURCES, LLC | Lafayette, LA 70503 | 49 |
013645 | ALLEN, DENNY OPERATING COMPANY | Midland, TX 79701 | |
018015 | AMERICAN DELTA CORPORATION | Portland, TX 78374 | |
017999 | AMERICAN DISPOSAL SERVICES, INC. | Sealy, TX 77474 | |
019361 | AMERICAN ROYALTY | Caldwell, TX 77836 | |
020415 | AMMEX PETROLEUM CORPORATION | Midland, TX 79702 | |
020413 | AMMEX PETROLEUM, INC. | El Paso, TX 79901 | |
020445 | AMOCO PRODUCTION CO.-ALVIN | Sweeny, TX 77480 | |
020425 | AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANY | Houston, TX 77253 | |
020544 | ANADARKO AUSTIN CHALK COMPANY | Houston, TX 77251 | |
020542 | ANADARKO E&P COMPANY LP | Houston, TX 77251 | |
020528 | ANADARKO E&P ONSHORE LLC | Houston, TX 77046 | 982 |
020596 | ANCHOR OPERATING CO. | Houston, TX 77055 | |
025625 | ANNIE VAVRA 1, LLC | Palm Desert, CA 92211 | |
027200 | APACHE CORPORATION | Houston, TX 77042 | 1465 |
029390 | ARCTURUS OPERATING COMPANY | Addison, TX 75001 | |
029425 | ARDO EXPLORATION CO., INC. | Rockdale, TX 76567 | |
029655 | ARES ENERGY, LTD. | Midland, TX 79701 | 27 |
029720 | ARGENT PETROLEUM CORPORATION | Center, TX 75935 | |
030801 | ARLEDGE, TERRY | Rockdale, TX 76567 | |
033189 | ARROW EXPLORATION COMPANY | Plano, TX 75075 | |
033521 | ARROWHEAD OPERATING INC. | Argyle, TX 76226 | 19 |
033761 | ARUBA PETROLEUM, LTD. | Dallas, TX 75206 | |
033900 | ASCENT OIL & GAS CORP. | Brenham, TX 77833 | |
000610 | ASM OIL & GAS COMPANY, INC. | Dallas, TX 75367 |