Delao, Ophelia - Oil Lease #007669

Nearby Leases
Wells on Delao, Ophelia
Map of Wells on Delao, Ophelia Lease #01-07669

Wells Located on Delao, Ophelia

API Number
Well Name
Well Type
Completion Date
42-029-31854 DELAO, OPHELIA 1 Oil 1981-12-19
42-029-31888 DELAO, OPHELIA 2 Oil 1981-12-20
42-029-31899 DELAO, OPHELIA 3 Oil 1981-12-21
42-029-31890 DELAO, OPHELIA 4 Oil 1981-12-23
42-029-31887 DELAO, OPHELIA 5 Oil 1981-12-23
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